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Photo of Georges Rouault

Georges Rouault

Born: 1871

Died: 1958


Nous, C’est en sa mort que nous avons ete baptises [It’s in his death that we were baptized]. Artist: Georges Rouault. Date: 1921. Medium: etching and aquatint over heliogravure.

Nous, C’est en sa mort que nous avons ete baptises [It’s in his death that we were baptized]


Learn more about Nous, C’est en sa mort que nous avons ete baptises [It’s in his death that we were baptized].
Jesus sera en agonie jusqu’a la fin du monde [Jesus will be in Agony Until the End of the World”; from Pascal-Pensees]. Artist: Georges Rouault. Date: 1926. Medium: etching and aquatint over heliogravure.

Jesus sera en agonie jusqu’a la fin du monde [Jesus will be in Agony Until the End of the World”; from Pascal-Pensees]


Learn more about Jesus sera en agonie jusqu’a la fin du monde [Jesus will be in Agony Until the End of the World”; from Pascal-Pensees].
Sous un Jesus en Croix Oublié là [Beneath a Forgotten Crucifix]. Artist: Georges Rouault. Date: 1926. Medium: etching and aquatint over heliogravure.

Sous un Jesus en Croix Oublié là [Beneath a Forgotten Crucifix]


Learn more about Sous un Jesus en Croix Oublié là [Beneath a Forgotten Crucifix].
De Profundis [Out of the depths have I cried unto thee, O Lord]. Artist: Georges Rouault. Date: 1927. Medium: etching and aquatint over heliogravure.

De Profundis [Out of the depths have I cried unto thee, O Lord]


Learn more about De Profundis [Out of the depths have I cried unto thee, O Lord].
Le Dur Métier de Vivre [The Hard Task of Living]. Artist: Georges Rouault. Date: 1922. Medium: etching and aquatint over heliogravure.

Le Dur Métier de Vivre [The Hard Task of Living]


Learn more about Le Dur Métier de Vivre [The Hard Task of Living].
Jesus honni…[Jesus reviled…]. Artist: Georges Rouault. Date: 1923. Medium: etching and aquatint over heliogravure.

Jesus honni…[Jesus reviled…]


Learn more about Jesus honni…[Jesus reviled…].
Ce Sera la Derniere, Petit Pere [This will be the last time, little father!]. Artist: Georges Rouault. Date: 1927. Medium: etching and aquatint over heliogravure.

Ce Sera la Derniere, Petit Pere [This will be the last time, little father!]


Learn more about Ce Sera la Derniere, Petit Pere [This will be the last time, little father!].
Homo Homini Lupus [Man is a Wolf to Man]. Artist: Georges Rouault. Date: 1926. Medium: etching and aquatint over heliogravure.

Homo Homini Lupus [Man is a Wolf to Man]


Learn more about Homo Homini Lupus [Man is a Wolf to Man].