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Upcoming Programming

An illustration with flowers and vines and the words, "Green Over Grey Soiree".
A graphic reading Wisconsin Triennial 2025 in blue on a pink background.
A portrait of Amir H. Fallah. A man with a black beard, shaved head, and glasses wearing a black sweatshirt in front of a painting with a blue backgroun.
An illustration of an orange car with Art Cart written on it with a birthday hat.

Past Programming

a colorful gradient with text that says Muse at MMoCA
People walking up glass stairs.
Multiple illustrations of drinks with drawing supplies in them. The words "Drink and Draw" and written above.
A person smiling in front of art work hung on a pink wall.
A black and white film still of Chet Baker sitting in the back of a convertible on a highway with the top down smoking a cigarette with his eyes closed.
A pink drink in a glass garnished with pickles and drawing supplies. Drink and Draw is written above them.
Delaina N., "Cracks of Time", 2024, colored pencils, and pencil, 7.5” by 16.5”.
A black man sits on the edge of an empty swimming pool holding a mug and wearing a yellow robe.
A band conductor addressing an audience.
A white woman wearing a green sweater and sitting on a green floor while smoking a cigarette
a colorful gradient with text that says Muse at MMoCA
Many indigenous people together.
Landscape shot of a path leading to the horizon line.
Three drums close to the camera.
A graphic with a purple background and white text reading "Calling All Teen Artists"
A pink glass with orange liquid garnished with a cherry on a pencil with the words "drink and draw" written above,
A sculptural form hanging from a beam in the dessert.
An illustration of a martini glass with pink liquid in it, garnished with olives on a pencil. The words, drink and draw are written above.
An individual looking at a large video of trees with red leaves.
An individual with short red hair leaning on their hand in a pink shirt.
Three individuals with hats on standing at a high up bar. One has their arm extended outwards.
A father holds his son against his hip. Both are wearing costumes from the animated film Toy Story. The father is dressed as Woody and his son is dressed as Buzz Lightyear.
The word "Art Market" repeated in red text with white outline and red text seven times.

Art Market

October 27, 2024

The word "Art Market" repeated in red text with white outline and red text seven times.

Art Market

October 26, 2024

Portrait of Dr. Mou Banerjee wearing thick black glasses and an orange shirt against a gray background.
Two men of negativland stand on either side of SUE-C who is holding a mobile phone with an image of another memnber of Negativland. The image is purple and distorted.

Snapshots at MMoCA

September 27, 2024

Every Thursday and Friday afternoon in September get a behind the scenes look at as we take photos of some of our largest, and rarely exhibited artworks. Along the way, docents, museum professionals, and surprise guests will be on hand to answer questions and lead discussions.

Monsters + MMoCA

September 26, 2024

MMoCA has partnered with the Monsters of Poetry for a reading of original works inspired by Shilpa Gupta: I did not tell you what I saw, but only what I dreamt.  Poets are writing in response to Shilpa Gupta’s work, exploring and expanding on the themes of individual and collective identity, the power of information and language, and the physical and ideological existence of boundaries.

Snapshots at MMoCA

September 26, 2024

Every Thursday and Friday afternoon in September get a behind the scenes look at as we take photos of some of our largest, and rarely exhibited artworks. Along the way, docents, museum professionals, and surprise guests will be on hand to answer questions and lead discussions.

Snapshots at MMoCA

September 20, 2024

Every Thursday and Friday afternoon in September get a behind the scenes look at as we take photos of some of our largest, and rarely exhibited artworks. Along the way, docents, museum professionals, and surprise guests will be on hand to answer questions and lead discussions.

Snapshots at MMoCA

September 19, 2024

Every Thursday and Friday afternoon in September get a behind the scenes look at as we take photos of some of our largest, and rarely exhibited artworks. Along the way, docents, museum professionals, and surprise guests will be on hand to answer questions and lead discussions.

Snapshots at MMoCA

September 13, 2024

Every Thursday and Friday afternoon in September get a behind the scenes look at as we take photos of some of our largest, and rarely exhibited artworks. Along the way, docents, museum professionals, and surprise guests will be on hand to answer questions and lead discussions.

Snapshots at MMoCA

September 12, 2024

Every Thursday and Friday afternoon in September get a behind the scenes look at as we take photos of some of our largest, and rarely exhibited artworks. Along the way, docents, museum professionals, and surprise guests will be on hand to answer questions and lead discussions.

Snapshots at MMoCA

September 6, 2024

Every Thursday and Friday afternoon in September get a behind the scenes look at as we take photos of some of our largest, and rarely exhibited artworks. Along the way, docents, museum professionals, and surprise guests will be on hand to answer questions and lead discussions.

Snapshots at MMoCA

September 5, 2024

Every Thursday and Friday afternoon in September get a behind the scenes look at as we take photos of some of our largest, and rarely exhibited artworks. Along the way, docents, museum professionals, and surprise guests will be on hand to answer questions and lead discussions.

image of the museum's rooftop sculpture garden
A child wearing a red shir and an adult work on an art activity with translucent red material.
An animated still image showing a woman holding a plate in a crowd.
A person on the right handing over a crystal ball to the other person on the left with costumes on.
Image of artwork made of gun metal, wood, glass, and light bulbs
image of the museum's rooftop sculpture garden
Art Cart designed logo in a mini-van shape.
Headshot image of Melanie Herzog.
Artists Nick Cave and Bob Faust standing on wooden crates.

Madison New Music Ensemble Concert

March 9, 2024

The Madison New Music Ensemble presents a concert of contemporary classical music inspired by the intersection of music and scientific concepts, featuring five works written in the 21st Century by living American composers. The concert will take place in the museum’s Main Galleries.

A close up of Freida High Wasikhongo Tesfagiorgis.
A child wearing a red shir and an adult work on an art activity with translucent red material.
Bruce, wearing a blue shirt, seated outdoors in front of a pink wall.
Two laughing figures seated at a table with alcohol containers.
A person looking through a loope at a piece of a mechanical watch.
A blurred photo of a figure wearing a white shirt and black pants standing in a studio in front of an artwork that is green and grey.
Artwork with wavy lines formed by dots.
A blurry image of a crown of people on the street with fire imagery superimposed.
A tangerine colored square inside a yellow ochre colored square against a black background.
A crystalline structure against a black backdrop
A father holds his son against his hip. Both are wearing costumes from the animated film Toy Story. The father is dressed as Woody and his son is dressed as Buzz Lightyear.
Art installation of a reef.
A red apple with rulers placed on either side of it. Hanging from an artificial tree inside.
Art installation of a reef.
Black and white image of a figure in the road with crutches and an automobile behind them.
Artist Federico Uribe pretending to scream at their sculpture of a feline animal.
Three people moving a giant painted artwork in front of a house outdoors.

Transmission of the Persona: The Act of “Becoming” in Performance Art

September 8, 2023

Artists Ava Wanbli and Ale Campos in Conversation

Film still from Rewind and Play showing Thelonious Monk playing the piano.
Film poster of Earth 2 with a painting of a shirtless, bald person holding a towel to their face in front of a desk.
Film still from Alma's Rainbow showing a person's face.
Inh-Oh film poster
Collage featuring cut out images of television screens, a camera, various images of eyes, and more.
Film still depicting a woman preparing food in a kitchen.
abstract painting with cloud-like shapes
Gouache on paper painting with various shapes, lines, and abstract forms
Artist Floyd Newsum standing in his studio, surrounded by his paintings.
Gouache on paper painting with various shapes, lines, and abstract forms
Monument showing a man seated in a barber's chair on State Street in front of the museum.
older person wearing a floral print button-up shirt, resting their arm against a surface, in a leafy, vegetal, floral setting
Madison Museum of Contemporary Art teen forum logo
Installation view of the exhibition Faisal Abdu'Allah Dark Matter
Artist Faisal Abdu'Allah cutting Ron Dayne's hair in front of an audience.
Installation view of the exhibition Faisal Abdu'Allah Dark Matter
Installation view of Faisal Abdu'Allah: Dark Matter, featuring a barber's chair on display in the Main Galleries.
woman speaking in front of an image
two people seated on a sofa
film still from Stand By for Failure: A Negativland Documentary, showing a person with sunglasses and internet browser screens
photograph of a Ho-Chunk girl in traditional clothing surrounded by floral beadwork and embroidery and embroidered two birds flying above her head
film poster for małni—towards the ocean, towards the shore
still from a movie showing a man wearing a face mask
film poster for Leonor Will Never Die
film poster for Riotsville, USA with imagery of weapons, a car on fire, and soldiers
installation view of Faisal Abdu'Allah: DARK MATTER
three woven tapestries featuring members of the Prince Hall Free & Accepted Masonry
three woven tapestries featuring members of the Prince Hall Free & Accepted Masonry
film still from The Cry of Jazz, showing a musician playing an instrument, possibly a trumpet
Wearing traditional Native clothing, artist Wendy Red Star is seated on a set modeled after a forest, with a body of water, fall trees, and a mountain landscape in the background. She is surrounded by fake flowers and card board cut outs of a reindeer and a rabbit.
Wearing traditional Native clothing, artist Wendy Red Star is seated on a set modeled after a forest, with a body of water, fall trees, and a mountain landscape in the background. She is surrounded by fake flowers and card board cut outs of a reindeer and a rabbit.
Wearing traditional Native clothing, artist Wendy Red Star is seated on a set modeled after a forest, with a body of water, fall trees, and a mountain landscape in the background. She is surrounded by fake flowers and card board cut outs of a reindeer and a rabbit.
Wearing traditional Native clothing, artist Wendy Red Star is seated on a set modeled after a forest, with a body of water, fall trees, and a mountain landscape in the background. She is surrounded by fake flowers and card board cut outs of a reindeer and a rabbit.
A father holds his son against his hip. Both are wearing costumes from the animated film Toy Story. The father is dressed as Woody and his son is dressed as Buzz Lightyear.
monochrome intaglio print that looks like a collage of stamps, torn pieces of paper, barcodes, gum wrappers, and more

Poetry Panel

September 8, 2022

person walking, wearing a winder jacket, jeans, and boots walking along a wall with a mural of the star portion of the American flag
film still showing a person's face with metal textures over-layed on their face
two children doing an art activity on the grass
two children doing an art activity on the grass
two children doing an art activity on the grass
two children doing an art activity on the grass
two children doing an art activity on the grass
two children doing an art activity on the grass
two children doing an art activity on the grass
two children doing an art activity on the grass
two children doing an art activity on the grass
Singer Poly Styrene singing into a microphone on stage, wearing a suit blazer or jacket
two children doing an art activity on the grass
two children doing an art activity on the grass
two children doing an art activity on the grass
two children doing an art activity on the grass
two children doing an art activity on the grass
two children doing an art activity on the grass
two children doing an art activity on the grass
two children doing an art activity on the grass
two children doing an art activity on the grass
two children doing an art activity on the grass
film still showing an older person wearing trousers and a suit blazer standing in front of a building, with a television screen on the exterior that reads "to take courageous steps for freedom today"
two children doing an art activity on the grass
two children doing an art activity on the grass
two children doing an art activity on the grass
two children doing an art activity on the grass
two children doing an art activity on the grass
two children doing an art activity on the grass
two children doing an art activity on the grass
two children doing an art activity on the grass
two children doing an art activity on the grass
two children doing an art activity on the grass
two children doing an art activity on the grass
two children doing an art activity on the grass
two children doing an art activity on the grass
two children doing an art activity on the grass
two children doing an art activity on the grass
two children doing an art activity on the grass
two children doing an art activity on the grass
two children doing an art activity on the grass
two children doing an art activity on the grass
two children doing an art activity on the grass
two children doing an art activity on the grass
two children doing an art activity on the grass
two children doing an art activity on the grass
two children doing an art activity on the grass
two children doing an art activity on the grass
two children doing an art activity on the grass
two children doing an art activity on the grass
two children doing an art activity on the grass
two children doing an art activity on the grass
two children doing an art activity on the grass
two children doing an art activity on the grass
two children doing an art activity on the grass
two children doing an art activity on the grass
two children doing an art activity on the grass
two children doing an art activity on the grass
two children doing an art activity on the grass
two children doing an art activity on the grass
two children doing an art activity on the grass
two children doing an art activity on the grass
two children doing an art activity on the grass
two children doing an art activity on the grass
two children doing an art activity on the grass
two children doing an art activity on the grass
two children doing an art activity on the grass
two children doing an art activity on the grass
two children doing an art activity on the grass
two children doing an art activity on the grass
two children doing an art activity on the grass
two children doing an art activity on the grass
two children doing an art activity on the grass
two children doing an art activity on the grass
two children doing an art activity on the grass
two children doing an art activity on the grass
two children doing an art activity on the grass
two children doing an art activity on the grass
two children doing an art activity on the grass
two children doing an art activity on the grass
two children doing an art activity on the grass
two children doing an art activity on the grass
two children doing an art activity on the grass
art cart EXTRA! logo with an example of a decorated comb or hair pick for a kids art activity
art cart EXTRA! logo with an example of a decorated comb or hair pick for a kids art activity
two children doing an art activity on the grass
two children doing an art activity on the grass
two children doing an art activity on the grass
two children doing an art activity on the grass
two children doing an art activity on the grass
two children doing an art activity on the grass
two children doing an art activity on the grass
two children doing an art activity on the grass
two children doing an art activity on the grass
art cart EXTRA! logo with an example of a decorated comb or hair pick for a kids art activity
art cart EXTRA! logo with an example of a decorated comb or hair pick for a kids art activity
art cart EXTRA! logo with an example of a decorated comb or hair pick for a kids art activity
two children doing an art activity on the grass
two children doing an art activity on the grass
two children doing an art activity on the grass
two children doing an art activity on the grass
two children doing an art activity on the grass
two children doing an art activity on the grass
two children doing an art activity on the grass
two children doing an art activity on the grass
map with text that says: Lead poisoning in Wisconsin. From 1996–2016, more than 200,000 children have been diagnosed as lead-poisoned. Each red dot represents an address associated with a lead-poisoned child.
illustration of two people's silhouettes facing each other in a field of flowers
film still from The Rider (2017) showing a cowboy and a horse outdoors
film still from The Rider (2017) showing a cowboy and a horse outdoors
graphic illustration of a book with the word Cartonera, a paintbrush, a pencil, and a paint palette
mixed media on a round canvas depicting a woman whose head is partially covered with flowers
people in the main galleries looking at artwork
graphic illustration of a book with the word Cartonera, a paintbrush, a pencil, and a paint palette