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Drop-In Guided Tour | Wendy Red Star: Apsáalooke: Children of the Large-Beaked Bird

November 12, 2022

2:15 pm – 2:45 pm

a person seated on a set modeled after a forest
Wendy Red Star, Indian Summer – Four Seasons, 2006. Full color print on phototex, 119 x 123 inches. Courtesy of the Artist.
annotated archival photograph of Déaxitchish/Pretty Eagle seated
Wendy Red Star, Déaxitchish/Pretty Eagle, 2014. Framed archival pigment print on photo paper and red ink, 25 x 17 inches. 1880 Crow Peace Delegation, in Washington D.C., original photograph by the U.S. Department of the Interior and the Bureau of Ethnology.

Déaxitchish/Pretty Eagle ( 1846 – d. 1905) was a reservation-era leader who, by 1890, was recognized along with Plenty Coups as head chief of the Crow Tribe from 1886 to 1903.


FREE Admission

Be among the first to see the Wisconsin presentation of Wendy Red Star: Apsáalooke: Children of the Large-Beaked Bird. In honor of the exhibition, we’re hosting two 30-minute guided tour sessions at 2:15 PM and 3:15 PM.

Reservation is not required, so please feel free to drop-in during any of the two sessions.

Please gather in the State Street Gallery before the tour begins. Those who are joining us after the printmaking workshops should collect their dried prints after the tour ends.